Expertise requires continued investment in learning and growth. Our collection of articles offers insights, statistics, and research to help you make more informed decisions about protection and security.
The Risks of Phone Line Monitoring
If your alarm system still uses a phone line to communicate to central station, your safety could be at risk. Your monitored alarm system was installed to protect your people, property, and assets, but installing the equipment is not always enough. Alarms must make it to fire or police authorities to truly keep you safe.
Video Alarm Verification
Video alarm verification is a solution that is growing in popularity and in some jurisdictions, required. It puts eyes on security system events to minimize false alarms. In some cases, it can even prevent crimes before they happen.
Access Control Management
Access control is necessary for the security, operations, and sometimes compliance of a business. But an access control system is only as good as the policies and procedures in place to maintain it. Otherwise, consistency, safety, and efficiency may be lacking.
The Dangers of Low-Cost Security Cameras
Cheap security cameras connected to video surveillance systems are often hacked, diminishing the privacy and security of people everywhere, from residents in their own homes to large corporate companies. No matter how big or small, every business is a potential target for cyber-attacks.
Eight Ways to Fight Cybercrime
Cyber security is a must for businesses. Threats are always evolving and more creative than ever. And with more security equipment connected to the internet or internal networks, the potential for becoming a target is greater. No matter the size of your business, the impact of a breach could be huge.
7 Security Mistakes in Schools
Schools want to increase security before they become the next victim. But when they make changes without considering a school’s unique layout, current procedures, or existing systems and equipment, they leave gaps in what’s most important: protecting students and staff.